
masterTUTA99's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,915 (From 266 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 35,335 Points

Name that NG Character

Medals Earned: 5/8 (100/180 points)

10 Pokemon 5 Points

Capture 10 Characters

50 Pokemon 10 Points

Capture 50 Characters

High Score 900 10 Points

Achieve a high score of 900

High Score 1500 25 Points

Achieve a high score of 1500

Perfect Game 50 Points

PhD Newgrounds

Dedicated 25 Points

Encounter all Characters

100 Pokemon 50 Points

Capture 100 Pokemon

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 2/6 (15/290 points)

Breyar 5 Points

Reach the Breyar System in hard mode.

Calemis 10 Points

Reach the Calemis System in hard mode.

Dharge 25 Points

Reach the DhargeSystem in hard mode.

Exaron 50 Points

Reach the Exaron System in hard mode.

Azbeq 100 Points

Return to the Azbeq System in hard mode.

Graduate 100 Points

Beat all the levels in medium or hard mode.


Medals Earned: 4/8 (45/230 points)

RankSurvivor 5 Points

Complete the game

Stage1 5 Points

Complete the easy round

Stage2 10 Points

Complete the medium round

Stage3 25 Points

Complete the hard round

RankBronze 10 Points

Finish in under 300 seconds

RankSilver 25 Points

Finish in under 250 seconds

RankGold 50 Points

Finish in under 200 seconds

RankNinja 100 Points

Finish in under 150 seconds

Newgrounds HQ Showdown

Medals Earned: 12/13 (345/350 points)

First blood 5 Points


Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

u suxorz 5 Points

Lose against any team

Newgrounds Pass 3

Medals Earned: 18/18 (500/500 points)

Colonel 10 Points

Complete 20 levels

General 10 Points

Complete 25 levels

Major 10 Points

Complete 15 levels

Private 10 Points

Complete 5 levels

Sergeant 10 Points

Complete 10 levels

Committed 25 Points

Find secret area 3

Eagle Eyes 25 Points

Complete lvl 6 on the first pick

Insane 25 Points

Find secret area 5

Observer 25 Points

Find secret area 2

Scout 25 Points

Find secret area 1

The secret ammo box 25 Points

Find the secret ammo box on lvl 4

Too much free time! 25 Points

Find secret area 4

True minesweeper 25 Points

Complete lvl 29

Weebl's secret island 25 Points

Find the secret island on lvl 13

Wrong turn 25 Points

Find the secret area on lvl 16

Revive 50 Points

Complete the game with a revive

Takeover 50 Points

Complete the game with a takeover

Click, click, click... 100 Points

Complete lvl 27

Newgrounds Rumble

Medals Earned: 13/13 (320/320 points)

Hoarder Patrol 5 Points

Snag the first three powerups in a match before anyone else has a chance to.

People Pancakes 5 Points

Lure two or more opponents into the trash compactor during any battle in the Scrapyard.

C-C-Combo Breaker 10 Points

Parry three times in one jump.

Wile E. Ways 10 Points

Knock an opponent out of the ring three times in one match.

C-C-Combo Maker 25 Points

Deliver at least 80 damage in one aerial combo.

Diplomatically Challenged 25 Points

Complete all 12 challenges in Challenge Mode.

Meat Shield 25 Points

Trick an opponent into killing one of their own teammates with a projectile.

Survival Horror 25 Points

Survive at least 5 opponents in Survival Mode on OMFG difficulty.

Wall Street Brawler 25 Points

Bank over 5000 Grounds Gold.

The Eventuallyending Story 50 Points

Complete all 12 stories in Story Mode.

Transgressive Compulsive 100 Points

Earn 100% Game Completion.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Next Action Frog

Medals Earned: 3/10 (25/425 points)

Green Frogs Can Jump 5 Points

Finish level 5

1up! 10 Points

Finish level 14

Skilled Jumper 10 Points

Finish level 10

Flock Rider 25 Points

Finish level 18

Timing is Everything 25 Points

Finish level 21

Almost Famous 50 Points

Finish level 27

Hanging by a Pixel 50 Points

Finish level 24

Impossible is Nothing 50 Points

Complete the game

30 Lives 100 Points

Complete the game with less than 30 deaths

The Next Videogame Star 100 Points

Complete the game with less than 10 deaths

Night of Million Zombies

Medals Earned: 1/56 (5/280 points)

01) 100 handgun kills 5 Points

kill 100 zombies with a handgun in a single round.

02) 300 handgun kills 5 Points

kill 300 zombies with a handgun in a single round.

03) 600 handgun kills 5 Points

kill 600 zombies with a handgun in a single round.

04) 600 handgun total 5 Points

kill a total of 600 zombies with your handgun.

05) 1200 handgun total 5 Points

kill a total of 1200 zombies with your handgun.

06) 1800 handgun total 5 Points

kill a total of 1800 zombies with your handgun.

07) Handgun lvl 10 5 Points

get your handgun to level 10.

08) Play 5 games 5 Points

play at least 5 games till you die.

09) Play 15 games 5 Points

play at least 15 games till you die.

10) Play 30 games 5 Points

play at least 30 games till you die.

11) 250 mp5 kills 5 Points

kill 250 zombies with a machine gun in a single round.

12) 750 mp5 kills 5 Points

kill 750 zombies with a machine gun in a single round.

13) 1500 mp5 kills 5 Points

kill 1500 zombies with a machine gun in a single round.

14) 1500 mp5 total 5 Points

kill a total of 1500 zombies with your machine gun.

15) 2500 mp5 total 5 Points

kill a total of 2500 zombies with your machine gun.

16) 3500 mp5 total 5 Points

kill a total of 3500 zombies with your machine gun.

17) Machine gun lvl 10 5 Points

get your machine gun to level 10.

18) 500.000 score 5 Points

get a score of at least 500.000.

19) 2.500.000 score 5 Points

get a score of at least 2.500.000 points.

20) 10.000.000 score 5 Points

get a score of at least 10.000.000 points.

21) 500 shotgun kills 5 Points

kill 500 zombies with a shotgun in a single round.

22) 1500 shotgun kills 5 Points

kill 1500 zombies with a shotgun in a single round.

23) 3000 shotgun kills 5 Points

kill 3000 zombies with a shotgun in a single round.

24) 3000 shotgun total 5 Points

kill a total of 3000 zombies with your shotgun.

25) 4500 shotgun total 5 Points

kill a total of 4500 zombies with your shotgun.

26) 6000 shotgun total 5 Points

kill a total of 6000 zombies with your shotgun.

27) Shotgun lvl 10 5 Points

get your shotgun to level 10.

28) Kill 800 zombies 5 Points

kill at least 800 zombies in a single round.

29) Kill 2200 zombies 5 Points

kill at least 2200 zombies in a single round.

30) Kill 5000 zombies 5 Points

kill at least 5000 zombies in a single round.

31) 500 flamethrower kills 5 Points

kill 500 zombies with your flamethrower in a single round.

32) 1000 flamethrower kills 5 Points

kill 1000 zombies with your flamethrower in a single round.

33) 1500 flamethrower kills 5 Points

kill 1500 zombies with your flamethrower in a single round.

34) 2000 flamethrower total 5 Points

kill a total of 2000 zombies with a flamethrower.

35) 4000 flamethrower total 5 Points

kill a total of 4000 zombies with a flamethrower.

36) 6000 flamethrower total 5 Points

kill a total of 6000 zombies with a flamethrower.

37) TAAANK! 5 Points

get your health to at least 250.

38) 5000 kills total 5 Points

kill a total of 5000 zombies.

39) 12000 kills total 5 Points

kill a total of 12000 zombies.

40) 20000 kills total 5 Points

kill a total of 20000 zombies.

41) Earn 50.000 5 Points

pickup 50.000 gold in 1 round.

42) Earn 100.000 5 Points

pickup 100.000 gold in 1 round.

43) Earn 200.000 5 Points

pickup 200.000 gold in 1 round.

44) Earn 200.000 total 5 Points

pickup a total 200.000 gold.

45) Earn 500.000 total 5 Points

pickup a total 500.000 gold.

46) Earn 1.000.000 total 5 Points

pickup a total 1.000.000 gold.

47) Instant Reload 5 Points

get your reloading time down to 10%

48) Sniper 5 Points

get your critical chance to 100%

49) Lucky Luke 5 Points

get your firerate up to 250%

50) Human Canon 5 Points

get your damage bonus up to 300%

51) Pickup 25 icons 5 Points

pickup 25 icons in a single round.

52) Pickup 50 icons 5 Points

pickup 50 icons in a single round.

53) Pickup 100 icons 5 Points

pickup 100 icons in a single round.

54) 100 icons total 5 Points

pikcup a total of 100 icons.

55) 200 icons total 5 Points

pickup a total of 200 icons.

56) 300 icons total 5 Points

pickup a total of 300 icons.

Ninja Painter

Medals Earned: 10/10 (430/430 points)

3 Stars 5 Points

Collect 3 Stars

5 Levels 5 Points

Complete 5 Levels

10 Levels 10 Points

Complete 10 Levels

10 Stars 10 Points

Collect 10 Stars

20 Levels 25 Points

Complete 20 Levels

25 Stars 25 Points

Collect 25 Stars

50 Stars 50 Points

Collect 50 Stars

30 Levels 100 Points

Complete 30 Levels

90 Stars 100 Points

Collect 90 Stars

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Notepad Drawing Collab 2009

Medals Earned: 5/5 (190/190 points)

ARTIST 5 Points

View 'ALL' drawings in the collab.

HARRAH 10 Points

Discover HarraH's psychotic, psychedelic easter egg.

SUCHO 25 Points


BIGJONNY-13 50 Points

Twice the raping power!

AUSTIN 100 Points
